Patient Care vs. Potential Harm – Balancing the Hippocratic Oath

Navigating the ethics of medicine This concept is derived from the Hippocratic Oath, a guiding principle of medicine that dates back to ancient Greece.While the exact phrase “first, do no harm” (“primum non nocere” in Latin) is not found in the original oath, it hasbecome a central tenet of medical ethics. “First, do no harm”… Read More Patient Care vs. Potential Harm – Balancing the Hippocratic Oath

Beyond the Run: Lessons from a Half Marathon on Running and Life

Running a half marathon—a journey of 13.1 miles—is an achievement that once seemed unattainable to me. My affinity for running was always present, yet the idea of surpassing a 5K (3.1 miles) appeared distant. But I embraced the challenge and succeeded, gaining profound insights about the sport and, more importantly, about myself. Embrace patience in… Read More Beyond the Run: Lessons from a Half Marathon on Running and Life

Mission Possible: The Ultimate Goal of Parenting

Mission Possible: The Ultimate Goal of Parenting Parenting is a journey that can be as challenging as it is rewarding. Its mission requires resilience, patience, insight, and much love. And while every parent’s journey is unique, we all share a common goal: to raise happy, healthy, and well-rounded individuals ready to make their mark in… Read More Mission Possible: The Ultimate Goal of Parenting

If communication is the key, why then don’t we learn to communicate better?

Communication is indeed crucial in almost all aspects of life, from personal relationships to professional encounters. However, there are several reasons why individuals may not invest time in learning to communicate better: However, the importance of effective communication cannot be overstated. It is a skill that can greatly enhance personal and professional relationships, promote understanding,… Read More If communication is the key, why then don’t we learn to communicate better?

The Power of Taking Yourself Out of the Equation

“Taking yourself out of the equation” is a concept that can be applied in various contexts. Still, it generally means removing your personal biases, interests, or emotions from a situation to make more objective decisions or assessments.  Here are a few ways it could be applied: 1. In decision-making: Taking oneself out of the equation… Read More The Power of Taking Yourself Out of the Equation

Are you the bully at work?

Motivation. It plays a crucial role in driving individuals to achieve their goals and maintain high levels of performance. What are the methods used to motivate others that can greatly influence their overall well-being and success? Let’s explore the significance of motivating without resorting to bullying tactics, focusing on the importance of positive motivation, fostering… Read More Are you the bully at work?